Wednesday, June 19, 2013

lazy and in love with me

Bacon Jerky and Chocolate Wine Oh man, I don't even know where to start.  First let's get this issue out of the way - is it okay to put age-appropriate sex scenes into young adults literature to keep them from acting out what they have seen in a porn?  Is it responsible or abuse to subject your children to it?  You know they're getting it already - they go to school, right?
I think some people need to take some ADULT RESPONSIBILITY so their children don't HAVE to learn about sex through pornography.  It is your moral responsibility as a parent.
As far as writing that type of information goes - how are you comfortable with WRITING that?
I just stumbled across this chocolate bar at Cost Plus World Market while trying to find a nice bottle of >$10 wine.
I didn't get it because I'm currently being denied the finer things in life because I don't have a job and I'm lazy and no one wants to pay me to work for them or donate to my cause.

Oh right, the chocolate.  I can't really review it but I can say it has been a long time coming.  Bacon saw it first but jerky is the bacon of road trips.

Friday, June 14, 2013

my laptop broke saddest girl in the world

Today I am as sad as sad can be.
Stupid Girl.
I left the laptop on the edge of the table plugged in and the dog went running by and pulled it off the edge of the table.
The Power Connector wrenched sideways and now it won't charge.

I am broken without it.  Like a bird with a clipped wing, unable to fly.

How will I finish my story?

Tuesday, June 11, 2013

open to suggestions

As many of you know - if you have been reading at all - I have am currently unemployed and doing everything I can to find the next great adventure.  I know that I like to write and that I have a lot of free time on my hands.  What would you suggest I do, if anyone is reading? Do I go fill out an application at the local taco joint and hope for the best?  Perhaps take a route as a dishwasher?
Do I follow my dreams and write?  What hobby should I do in the meantime?

It's interesting when you feel like you're starting over this late.

Saturday, June 8, 2013

i need a girl to teach me make-up.

Or, you know, a boy who knows how to do make up.

Sure, there's a million videos... And I've seen them all... but there's nothing like a hands-on approach, right?  Too bad I don't have any female friends.

Christ I sound all alone and emo in these when I read them.

Nobody loves me, everybody hates me, I'm gonna eat some worms!

Anyway, on a COMPLETELY UNRELATED NOTE, I ran into some shoes in my travels that I decided needed to be shared with you, my readers.

Fashion designer of the odd, Marjan Pejoski, created these SWEET shoes that are appropriately created with leather.

No seriously, if you haven't yet, click that link.  They're cow shoes.  COW SHOES.

Now if I could get my hands on some cat pads made out of kitteh hide...

early saturday

it's early and I am tired
Is it sleeping in if you don't have a job?
Is 30 too old?
Am I ever going to stop being lazy?
What is my place in this world?
Why does my coffee take so long?

Friday, June 7, 2013

how did you find me?

Oh holy h e double hockey-sticks it's amazing how quickly the day goes even if you aren't going to work.  Things are looking good around here in my home beside the ocean, where I weave tales about my life and what I like and shoes.

That's right - shoes.  God, I love these shoes..