Wednesday, June 15, 2011

more than you can know.

It really pisses me off when you go to rent a place, and you love it and it's perfect and they love you and "...oh. You have a pet?". It really seriously chaps my hide, but there's one thing that pisses me off even more: The people who MADE these people this way.

"It peed under the..."

"...the hole in the floor."

"...the scratches on ..."

Seriously, you fucking morons are ruining it for those of us who love our sweet little furry babies and have trained them not to do what you have allowed yours to do. You don't have to beat them to get them to understand that pissing/scratching/etc. are not acceptable behavior.

If you had a little accident, there are these things called carpet cleaners that will rescue you from pretty much anything - trust me, I know. There is paint, there are repairmen, and there are things you could do to make it so you don't leave an angry landlord in your path.

I can't even begin to encompass on this keypad exactly how angry I am at this situation. It's beyond me to comprehend how it's even possible that you can be such a lazy, selfish fuck. Stop ruining the world for the rest of us. I seriously, without a doubt, can say I very seriously hate you.

And landlords - it's called a deposit. Get over it. People love their animals, and you're kind of being dicks.

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